Waynehead is a Canadian-American Saturday morning animated series created by American actor Damon Wayans. It was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and Nelvana, with animation by TMS-Kyokuchi Corporation (intro only), Hanho Heung-Up Co., Ltd., and PASI. It ran on Kids' WB from 1996–1997, and eventually had reruns on Cartoon Network from the late 90s to early 2000s.
Waynehead lasted for 13 episodes; however, the series had developed a cult following with hopes of a revival for season two. It is about a young boy named Damey Wayne from a poor background with a club foot and was based on Wayans' own childhood in the Chelsea neighborhood in the New York City Borough of Manhattan. Actors cast in the show included Gary Coleman, Orlando Brown and Marlon Wayans.
- Damey Wayne (voiced by Orlando Brown): He is the main protagonist of the series.
- Mo' Money (voiced by Jamil Walker Smith): Damey's best friend.
- Toof (voiced by Shawn Wayans): Damey's tall and dopey friend that who enjoys candy.
- Roz : Damey's love interest and only female of the group.
- Marvin (voiced by Tico Wells): Damey's frenemy but still close.
- Blue (voiced by Marlon Wayans): Marvin's Brother
- Kevin (voiced by Gary Coleman): Damey's older brother
- Sha'Vonne: Damey's younger sister.
- Mom: Damey's, Kevin's & Sha'Vonne's mother who's pregnant.
- Dad: Damey's, Kevin's & Sha'Vonne's father.
Looney Tunes compilation shows | |
Bugs and Daffy Tonight • ToonHeads • The Tex Avery Show • Acme Hour • The Bob Clampett Show • The Chuck Jones Show |