Voltron is a Japanese anime series that features a team of space explorers that pilot a giant super robot known as "Voltron". Initially produced as a joint venture between World Events Productions and Toei Animation, the original television series aired in syndication from September 10, 1984 to November 18, 1985. The first season of Voltron, featuring the "Lion Force Voltron", was adapted from the Japanese anime television series Beast King Golion. The second season, featuring the "Vehicle Voltron", was adapted from the unrelated anime series Armored Fleet Dairugger XV.
Voltron was extremely popular during its original run, and spawned a follow-up series, several comic books, and a 1-hour special.
World Events Productions and Toei Animation produced the 124-episode anime adaptation and aired on the Japanese station TV Tokyo on March 4, 1981, and on the American broadcast syndication on September 10, 1984. It was later airing on USA Network in 1989, and on Cartoon Network's Toonami block on March 17, 1997. However, the broadcast of the series airing in 52 episodes on Toonami was edited in content.
- Neil Ross - Keith
- Michael Bell - Lance
- B.J. Ward - Princess Allura
- Neil Ross - Pidge
- Lennie Weinrib - Hunk
Broadcast History[]
Voltron premiered in Japan on the Japanese station TV Tokyo from March 4, 1981 to February 24, 1982.
An English language version of the series was licensed by World Events Productions, and was aired in 52 episodes on the weekday afternoon Toonami block beginning on March 17, 1997 and ending on May 29, 1997, with April 1, 1997 and April 22, 1997 off first-run Toonami airdates. The series began it's rerun on the block on May 30, 1997 and ended on January 9, 1998. The series began it's second rerun on the block on May 4, 1998 and ended on August 28, 1998. Reruns of Voltron also aired on Toonami's late night Midnight Run block beginning on July 11, 1999 and ended on February 27, 2000.