Utica Cartoon: Hotdog Champeen was a short created by Fran Krause and Will Krause, and produced by Animation Cowboys for the Cartoon Network. The short premiered on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays on July 13, 2001 as one of ten contenders for Cartoon Network's Big Pick, the winner of which would become the next Cartoon Cartoon. The short did not win The Big Pick, and was not picked up by Cartoon Network to become a full-length series.
When Dan Bear and Micah Monkey learn that they can get free hot dogs by beating the current hot dog eating record at their local diner, they are up for the challenge. Dan Bear reigns as hot dog champ by consuming loads of free hot dogs, continually beating his own record. For awhile he enjoys the free franks until beating the record becomes too much even for him.
- Dan Bear
- Micah Monkey
- Johnny
- Marty
- Hot Dog Manager
- Jesse Schmal - Dan Bear
- Fran Krause - Micah Monkey
- Joel Frenzer - Johnny
- Michael Overbeck - Marty
- Will Krause - Hot Dog Manager