Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race is an animated series created by Tom McGillis and Jennifer Pertsch. This series, there will be 18 teams of two racing to various locations in the world for the grand prize of $1,000,000. On Cartoon Network, The Ridonculous Race is the seventh season of the original Total Drama series.
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race is an action-filled, outrageous buddy comedy in which 18 pairs of unforgettable characters are put to the mental, physical and emotional test in a frantic race around the world. Each new leg of the Race features an adventure to a new country where teams will face off against BRUTAL challenges, baffling local customs, competing teams, and traveler’s diarrhea as they frantically race to the next Chill Zone on their way to the ultimate Finish Line. They’ll all push themselves to the limit, but only one team will win the Race and the prize of one million dollars!
Just like the past two seasons, The Ridonculous Race was limited to be shown only once on Cartoon Network.
*Bold means that player returned from Total Drama.
- Terry McGurrin as Don
- Stephanie Anne Mills as Kitty
- Emilie-Claire Barlow as Ellody and Laurie
- Cle Bennett as Leonard
- Ashley Botting as Jen
- Nicki Burke as Stephanie and Tammy
- Neil Crone as Dwayne
- Stacey DePass as Emma and Crimson
- Carlos Diaz as Lorenzo and Rock
- Jacob Ewaniuk as Dwayne Jr.
- Kristin Fairlie as Carrie
- Darren Frost as Chet
- Katie Griffin as Mary and Miles
- Jeff Geddis as Devin and Tom
- Carter Hayden as Noah, Spud, and Ennui
- David Huband as Gerry
- Julie Lemieux as Josee and Kelly
- Bryn McAuley as Taylor
- Scott McCord as Owen, Brody, and Jacques
- Joseph Motiki as Ryan
- Dan Petronijevic as Geoff
- Evany Rosen as MacArthur
- Lyon Smith as Jay and Mickey
- Nicole Stamp as Sanders
- Adrian Truss as Pete
This Total Drama spinoff series received mixed reviews. The results of returning some of the original cast (Geoff, Noah, and Owen) and the world challenges were likely positive.
- While The Ridonculous Race is a spin-off, Cartoon Network billed [Ridonculous] as "Season 7".