Total Drama Action is a Canadian animated television series. It is the second season of the Total Drama series, which began with Total Drama Island (2007). The show premiered on Teletoon in Canada at 6:30 pm ET/PT on January 11, 2009. This series was also created by the makers of 6teen, another Teletoon program. This is the only season for Teletoon to not air a new episode every week. Cartoon Network has also premiered on June 11, 2009 and ended on December 10, 2009.
The series takes places right after the first season, Total Drama Island.
- 15/14. Bridgette and Geoff
- 13. Trent
- 12. Gwen
- 11. DJ
- 10. Izzy
- 9. Heather
- 8. Leshawna
- 7. Justin
- 6. Lindsay
- 5. Harold
- 4. Courtney
- 3. Owen
- 2. Beth
- 1. Duncan
Once again, there are two teams again in this season and with similar names as the teams from the past season. The two teams are the Screaming Gaffers and Killer Grips. Here are the members of each team:
- Screaming Gaffers: DJ, Duncan, Gwen (Captain), Harold, Heather, and Leshawna.
- Killer Grips: Beth, Izzy, Justin, Lindsay, Owen, Trent (Captain), and (later on) Courtney.
Note that both of the team captains were actually eliminated early in this season.