Toons in Space was an 8-hour Cartoon Network marathon that aired the day after Thanksgiving (November 24, 1995) from Noon to 8:00 PM. The marathon included space-themed episodes of series such as The Jetsons, Josie and the Pussycats and Cartoon Planet.[1]
- 12:00 PM - TBA
- 12:30 PM - TBA
- 1:00 PM - TBA
- 1:30 PM - TBA
- 2:00 PM - TBA
- 2:30 PM - TBA
- 3:00 PM - TBA
- 3:30 PM - TBA
- 4:00 PM - TBA
- 4:30 PM - TBA
- 5:00 PM - TBA
- 5:30 PM - TBA
- 6:00 PM - TBA
- 6:30 PM - TBA
- 7:00 PM - TBA
- 7:30 PM - TBA