The Powerpuff Girls Marathon was a two-and-a-half-hour Powerpuff Girls marathon that aired on Cartoon Network on New Year's Day, January 1, 1999 from 8:00pm through 10:30pm. The marathon included all of the episodes of The Powerpuff Girls that had aired up to that point.
- 8:00pm - The Powerpuff Girls - "Boogie Frights / Abracadaver"
- 8:30pm - The Powerpuff Girls - "Insect Inside / Powerpuff Bluff"
- 9:00pm - The Powerpuff Girls - "Monkey See, Doggie Do / Mommy Fearest"
- 9:30pm - The Powerpuff Girls - "Octi-Evil / Gesundfight"
- 10:00pm - The Powerpuff Girls - "Buttercrush / Fuzzy Logic"