Steven Spielberg Presents The Plucky Duck Show, usually referred to as The Plucky Duck Show, is an American animated television series created by Warner Bros. Animation and Amblin Entertainment. It is a short-lived spin-off of Tiny Toon Adventures concentrating attention mainly on Plucky Duck himself.[1] The show ran for 13 episodes from September 12 to November 28, 1992.
Of the 13 episodes produced, only "The Return of Batduck" was original to the series. All remaining episodes were compilations of Tiny Toons produced shorts, though some aired on The Plucky Duck Show first.
The theme song is a rendition of the Tiny Toons theme, set to the same music, but with Plucky himself as the subject of the song. Some of the lyrics were reused in the Tiny Toons episode "It's a Wonderful Tiny Toons Christmas Special".
After the show was canceled, "Batduck" was edited and added in as an episode of Tiny Toons. The show's formula was attempted again several years later when the supporting characters from Animaniacs (Steven Spielberg's next collaboration with Warner Bros. Animation), Pinky and the Brain were also given their own show. Unlike The Plucky Duck Show, however, Pinky and the Brain consisted entirely of original material rather than reusing pre-existing shorts from the show it was spun-off from.
The "Yakety Yak" segment was made commercially available on the rare Tiny Toons Sing! cassette album.