The Cartoon Network Wiki

SuperMutant Magical Academy is an upcoming American adult animated surreal comedy television series developed by J.G. Quintel, known for creating Cartoon Network's Regular Show and HBO Max's Close Enough, and based on Jillian Tamaki's webcomic of the same name. It was announced at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The series has no release month and day release, but will premiere in the United States on Adult Swim.[1]


The show focuses on Marsha, a sarcastic transfer student with a mysterious past who ends up at a high school that includes mutants and human students attempting to navigate friendships, relationships and their burgeoning powers.


  • Marsha
  • Wendy
  • Gemma
  • Frances
  • Trixie
  • Cheddar
  • Trevor
  • Evan/Everlasting Boy
  • Ms. Grimdorff


Cartoon Network Studios Series