Scaredy Squirrel is a Canadian animated series that premiered on April 1, 2011 and ended on August 17th, 2013. The series is based on the Scaredy Squirrel children books by Melanie Watt (which is always mentioned after the theme song gag). The show revolves around a squirrel named Scaredy who opts to become the best stacker in Balsa City and tackles challenges with his trademark quirkiness. The series aired on the Canadian TV network, YTV, while it aired on Cartoon Network in the US.
In 2013, Scaredy Squirrel has officially been removed from Cartoon Network's schedule. However, the show later aired on another channel, Qubo, on March 27, 2017 (Along with Sidekick) after Cartoon Network lost the rights to the two aforementioned shows. Scaredy Squirrel aired on Qubo until January 5th, 2019, and later returned to the network from March 30th to July 24th, 2020 before the network itself went defunct on February 2021.
As of 2021, the series currently airs on Cartoon Network in Canada.
Scaredy Squirrel[]
Scaredy Squirrel is a squirrel (as his name suggests) who has somewhat of a neat freak personality and is shown to stress out whenever he sees even the tiniest of messes on some occasions. He owns a "pet" cactus named Richard whom he cares for everyday. Though it's just a plant, it has shown to eat and move stuff around on some occasions (similar traits can be seen on the character Plank from Ed, Edd n Eddy). His job is to stack grocery items in a very creative way (e.g. toilet paper stacked in the shape of a toilet) to attract customers. And although he does a very good job at it, his boss, Nester, still yells and rants at him and is rarely ever impressed with Scaredy's work.
David "Dave"[]
Dave is a skunk who is the exact opposite of Scaredy. He is Scaredy's friend and is more child-like than Scaredy. He is also somewhat dimwitted, but at times he can be overly smart.
The intimidating manager of the Stash "N" Hoard who usually tries to get on Scaredy's nerves. He tries best to impress his mother, but to little to no avail.
Momma is the mother of Nestor who usually likes to enter in a dramatic way. She likes to fire employees and usually treats her son poorly.
A fish who is in love with Scaredy, and has an unnatural obsession with him.
Home media[]
The series is available to watch on iTunes and Amazon Prime in the US.
- The end of most episodes features a segment called "Scaredy Squirrel's Safety Corner," which provides nonsensical safety tips and morals from the episode we just saw.