Ronin Warriors, known as Japan as Yoroiden Samurai Troopers, is a Japanese anime series and manga adaptation created by Hajime Yatate The anime was produced and animated by Sunrise, and aired across Japan on Nagoya Television from 30 April 1988 to 4 March 1989 and has a total of 39 episodes.
Ronin Warriors was produced by Graz Entertainment and distributed by Cinar, and it was recorded by the Ocean Group. Ronin Warriors first aired on American television during the summer of 1995 and subsequently appeared through syndication, as well as the USA Network and later on Cartoon Network. The series was released on DVD in 2002, including the original Japanese version with English subtitles on the reverse side of the disc. On September 4, 2014, North American anime licensor Discotek Media announced their license of the original Japanese anime (Yororiden Samurai Troopers), and plans to release the series on DVD in 2015. Discotek has said that they have no plans to release Ronin Warriors until they will clear issues with the dub. Discotek has also licensed the OVAs and will include both Japanese and English audio as well as English subtitles on DVD in 2015.
The opening and ending sequences and the eyecatches were replaced with new ones, and the Japanese title cards were removed; there were no substantial cuts to the bodies of the episodes and the episodes retained most of the original music.
Three direct-to-video sequels were produced: Gaiden (Side Story), Kikoutei Densetsu (The Legend of the Solar Armor) and Message. There is also a Ronin Warriors manga as well as numerous novels and audio dramas based on the anime. While all the sequels have been released on DVD, the manga and audio dramas have not been made available in English.
- Matt Hill - Ryo Sanada
- Michael Donovan - Sage Date
- Michael Donovan - Cye Mouri
- Jason Gray-Stanford - Kento Rei Fang
- Ward Perry - Rowen Hashiba
Broadcast History[]
Ronin Warriors premiered in Japan on the Japanese station Nagoya Broadcasting Network from April 30, 1988 to March 4, 1989.
An English language version of the series was licensed by Graz Entertainment and distributed by Cinar, and was aired in 39 episodes on the weekday afternoon Toonami block beginning on September 27, 1999 and ending on November 18, 1999. The series began it's rerun on the block on November 19, 1999 and ended on May 5, 2000. The series began it's second rerun on the block on November 13, 2000 and ended on March 8, 2001.