Pinky and the Brain is an American animated television series that went 1995 to 1998 on The WB. It was the first animated television series to be presented in Dolby Surround sound and the fourth collaboration of Steven Spielberg with his production company, Amblin Entertainment, and produced by Warner Bros. Animation. The characters first appeared in 1993 as a recurring segment on Animaniacs, but were given their own show due to their popularity. The show ended in 1998 along with Animaniacs and ended with a total of 65 episodes divided along 4 seasons. One year later, they appeared in the series, Steven Spielberg Presents Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain, but that series was canceled due to low ratings. Despite given their own show, the characters still appeared on segments of Animaniacs, just not as much as they used to. For years, it was believed that the standalone show never aired on Cartoon Network in the US until just recently, when it was revealed that the show had a marathon in 1997.[1] Despite this, unlike Animaniacs, the show would never have a proper run on Cartoon Network and was soon picked up by Nickelodeon and Toon Disney (as part of Jetix). This show was also more popular in Italy.
Looney Tunes compilation shows | |
Bugs and Daffy Tonight • ToonHeads • The Tex Avery Show • Acme Hour • The Bob Clampett Show • The Chuck Jones Show |