Major Flake: Soggy Sales was a short created by Adam Cohen and Casper Kelly, and produced by Kurtz and Friends Animation for the Cartoon Network. The short premiered on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays on July 6, 2001 as one of ten contenders for Cartoon Network's Big Pick, the winner of which would become the next Cartoon Cartoon. The short did not win The Big Pick, In 2005, He was picked up by Cameron TVA to become a full-length series.
Major Flake, a frenetic French cereal mascot, and his grim sidekick, Sparkles, must find a way to sell their rather unappealing Major Flake cereal before their boss, Sylvia Soggy, pulls the breakfast treat from store shelves.
- Major Flake - Major Flake is the titular mascot of his cereal. He is determined to make his cereal despite what others are telling him.
- Sparkles - Sparkles is Major Flake's mascot. He is the opposite of Major Flake as in he is very pessimistic. Sparkles has a crush on Major Flake's rival King Sweet.
- Sylvia Soggy - Major Flake and Sparkles' boss who threatens to fire them if they don't sell enough cereal boxes.
- King Sweet - King Sweet is Major Flake's more successful rival. He is an anthropomorphic lion.
- Rob Paulsen - Major Flake
- Jeff Bennett - Sparkles
- Becky Bonar - Sylvia Soggy
- Jess Harnell - King Sweet