The Cartoon Network Wiki

Invincible Fight Girl is an upcoming American animated sports action-comedy television series created by DC Super Hero Girls' Juston Gordon-Montgomery. The series will premiere sometime in 2024 in the United States on both Adult Swim and Max.[1][2]

The first episode of the series was shown at SCAD TVfest on February 7, 2024 and was shown at Adult Swim's San Diego Comic-Con panel on July 26, 2024.[3][4]

On July 25, 2024, an early preview of the series had been released.[5]

On October 20, 2024, a screening for the series will be shown at the Animation Is Film Festival in Los Angeles.[6]


The series follows Andy, a young girl who dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Assuming the wrestler alias "Fight Girl", Andy sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself. Along the way, she meets cynical retired champ, Aunt P; the endearingly innocent Mikey, a great wrestling analyst-in-the-making; and the unscrupulous Craig, who doesn’t so much love wrestling as he does scheming ways to profit off it. United in the goal of helping Andy achieve wrestling glory, this found family embarks on a journey filled with adversity and self-discovery as they chase their dreams, push past their limits and, most importantly, deliver smackdowns on the toughest wrestlers they can find.


  • Andy (voiced by Sydney Mikayla)
  • Aunt P (voiced by Rolonda Watts)
  • Mikey (voiced by William Akey)
  • Craig



  • The show was originally pitched to Cartoon Network, but moved to Adult Swim, as the series was deemed too violent for younger viewers.


Cartoon Network Studios Series