The Cartoon Network Wiki

Imp, Inc. was a short created by Charlie Bean and Chris Reccardi, and produced by Cartoon Network Studios for the Cartoon Network. The short premiered on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays on August 24, 2001 as one of ten contenders for Cartoon Network's Big Pick, the winner of which would become the next Cartoon Cartoon. The short did not win The Big Pick, and was not picked up by Cartoon Network to become a full-length series.


Travelling in an orbiting meteor, three Imps are up for review and are offered the opportunity to help a poor farm couple by granting them their wish for desperately needed rain to help their crops. They manage to deliver rain, but their hopes for promotion come crashing down when their meteor smashes the couple's crops.


  • Vex
  • Erk
  • Net'l


  • Jeff Bennett - Vex/Farmer Bill
  • Larry Brandenburg - Guy Wheater
  • Jim J. Bullock - Net'l
  • Grey Delisle - Ma
  • Tom Kenny - Erk/Announcer