I Heart Tuesdays was an unfinished animated series. The idea for the cartoon came when Cartoon Network approached R&B singer Ne-Yo to produce a cartoon. The performer also said the show was created for his sister.
As of July 2016, no footage of the series has been found, nor anymore information on the series since November 2012. The series was removed from Cartoon Network's upcoming shows in early 2013, suggesting the series is cancelled.
Note: The premise of the series was changed during development.
1st Version[]
The first version would have been about a 16-year old girl that inherits the curse of her bloodline and she's forced to save the world from an unknown evil every Tuesday for the rest of her life.
2nd Version[]
The second version would have been about twins who are direct descendants of two Greek gods that were cursed by Zeus for being really childish and irresponsible. They have to save the world from some unspoken evil every Tuesday for pretty much the rest of their lives. So, it's dealing with that on top of dealing with being high school students.