The Cartoon Network Wiki

Intro, Bumpers, And Outro[]

Intro - The Paramount Mountain’s stars are flying in place while a duck is flying and honks, The MGM Lion was about to do his roar but was clearing his throat and spraying his mouth, the clouds then shift to The Columbia Torch Lady who was struggling with her torch until she finally got it working and posed till a gust of wind blew her robe up and she puts them down in embarrassment then shifts to the room where the announcer welcomes the viewers to Cartoon Network’s Cartoon Theatre and a shadow of a bird flies away appears next to a picture of the Paramount Mountain on some books then to a book with the MGM Lion on the cover then to a sculpture of a colorful duck on a duck box a sculpture of a red haired girl in a red dress with a picture of a clouded sky while an admit one ticket with the Cartoon Network Logo falls on the shelf.

We’ll Be Right Back - The Columbia Torch Lady was struggling to get her torch to work till she finally got it working and posed till a gust of wind blew her robe up and she puts them down in embarrassment and shifts to the date counter and the admit one ticket with the Cartoon Network Logo falls in front of it.

We Are Back - The MGM Lion was having an ice cream cone till he noticed the screen getting closer he looked around ate the ice cream in one gulp then panicked grabbed a suitcase filled it with stuff closed it grabbed it by his mouth and jumped out of his logo where the date counter appears with the admit one ticket with the Cartoon Network Logo falling in front of it

We’ll Return In A Moment/Next Movie Announcements - We zoom to The Paramount Mountain till it falls revealing a black shape it to be a cut out and the third star comes loose and falls we zoom into the hole where the date counter appears with the admit one ticket with the Cartoon Network Logo falling in front of it and announce the movie coming next week

Outro - The camera moves towards a picture of the Paramount Mountain on some books then to a book with the MGM Lion on the cover then to a sculpture of a colorful duck on a duck box a sculpture of a red haired girl in a red dress with a picture of a clouded sky behind her till we get to the date counter with books behind it and as we zoom out from it, it gets dusted by feather duster and a shadow of a bird flies away appears then cut to a black background with the admit one ticket with the Cartoon Network followed by a tuba tune.



