The Cartoon Network Wiki

Candy Machine is a Cartoon Network game that's currently on the Cartoon Network UK website.


In the gameplay, the goal is to drop the jawbreaker into the bucket. You drag each pipe to connect to form a path. Drop the jawbreaker and it will go in the direction the path is in. You can also unlock other pipes as you keep playing the game. The game consists 10 jawbreakers, when you run out of them the game is over.


  • Straight pipe (up and down)
  • Sideways pipe (left and right)
  • Elbow pipe (up and right)
  • Elbow pipe (right and down)
  • Elbow pipe (left and down)
  • Elbow pipe (up and left)
  • Autodryer (up and right)
  • Pong Monitor (up and left)
  • Candymeter (left and right)
  • Robot Head (up and down)
  • Gum Monitor (up and left)
  • The Fishbowl (up and right)
  • Microwave (if the jawbreaker is dropped into it, it will move two spaces to the right; if the jawbreaker is sent in from the right, it will move two spaces to the left and then upwards.)
  • The Elevator (if the jawbreaker is sent in from the left, it will be moved up one and continue to the right; if the jawbreaker is sent in from the right, it will be moved down one and continue to the left.)
  • Steamwhistle (left and down)

Unlocked Parts[]

  • Teleporter (left and right)
  • Shower Stall (left and down)
  • Mt. Gumball (up)
  • The Cannon (sends the jawbreaker two spaces to the right; must be inserted at the cannon's base)
  • The Castle (moves the jawbreaker three spaces to either the left or the right and sends it downwards; the jawbreaker must be going up when inserted)
  • Multipipe (if inserted at the top, sends the jawbreaker down two spaces and to the right two spaces, and has the jawbreaker exit going right; if inserted from the right, sends the jawbreaker to the left two spaces and up two spaces, sending it upwards as it comes out)
  • Robot Arm (moves the jawbreaker three spaces to either the left or the right and sends it downwards; the jawbreaker must be going up when inserted)
  • Gumbotron (if inserted at the top, sends the jawbreaker down two spaces and to the right two spaces, and has the jawbreaker exit going right; if inserted from the right, sends the jawbreaker to the left two spaces and up two spaces, sending it upwards as it comes out)
  • UFO (moves the jawbreaker three spaces to either the left or the right and sends it downwards; the jawbreaker must be going up when inserted)