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CN Punch Time Explosion
Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion
Release Date: June 2, 2011
November 15, 2011
(Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Wii)

Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion is a fighting video game developed by WB Games and Papaya Studio and published by Cartoon Network Interactive, Crave Entertainment and Ubisoft Entertainment in North America and Deep Silver in the United Kingdom. The game was released on June 2, 2011, on the Nintendo 3DS, and received negative reviews.

An extended edition, Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL came out on November 15, 2011 for all major video game consoles, sold thousands of copies upon release, received most positive reviews, and became a commercial success.


This game is a crossover fighting game with 18 (26 in XL) playable characters from 11 different Cartoon Network shows. Players can fight in 21 different arenas, as well as fight through an original story-driven adventure. The 3DS features 3D visuals and multiplayer competition via local DS download play. The game features a single-player campaign (With up to 4 player co-op in the Console Version) as well as multi-player battles.

Playable Characters[]

  1. Ben Tennyson (Teenager) (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
  2. Chowder and Kimchi (Chowder)
  3. Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
  4. Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
  5. Captain K'nuckles (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
  6. Numbuh One (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  7. Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
  8. Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
  9. Mac and Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  10. Dexter (Dexter's Laboratory)
  11. Monkey (Dexter's Laboratory)
  12. Grim (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  13. Billy & Mandy (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  14. Samurai Jack (Samurai Jack)
  15. Captain Planet (Captain Planet and the Planeteers)
  16. Father (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  17. Vilgax (Ben 10: Alien Force)
  18. Mojo Jojo (The Powerpuff Girls)

Console Version Only:[]

  1. Kevin Levin (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
  2. Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
  3. Him (The Powerpuff Girls)
  4. Ben Tennyson (Young) (Ben 10)
  5. Scotsman (Samurai Jack)
  6. Hoss Delgado (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  7. Toilenator (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  8. Aku (Samurai Jack)

Costumes (Console Only)[]

In Punch Time Explosion XL you can buy costumes for all 26 cartoon characters. This is only for the console version. All the costumes are either clothing that the characters wore, a different character that shows very much resemblance to that cartoon character, or who they wished or dreamed they could be (Young Ben only). Ben and Young Ben are the only characters that can have a color swap of another character that isn't dark.

  • Ben Tennyson (Teenage) - Plumber Suit Ben 10
  • Chowder and Kimchi - Shirtless Chowder
  • Buttercup - Butch (Rowdyruff Boy)
  • Flapjack - Sardine Flapjack
  • Captain K'nuckles - Captain K'neecaps
  • Numbuh One - Tuxedo Numbuh 1
  • Bubbles - Boomer (Rowdyruff Boy)
  • Blossom - Brick (Rowdyruff Boy)
  • Mac and Bloo - Rambo Mac & Adger Avenger Bloo
  • Dexter - Robot Pilot Dexter
  • Monkey - Regular Monkey
  • Grim - Clown Grim
  • Billy & Mandy - Billybot & Mandroid
  • Samurai Jack - Ninja Jack
  • Captain Planet - Captain Pollution
  • Father - Benedict Uno
  • Vilgax - Classic Vilgax (Ben 10 appearance)
  • Mojo Jojo - Helmetless Mojo
  • Kevin - Slimy Kevin Levin (Ben 10 Alien Force season 3 mutation)
  • Johnny Bravo - Jungle Johnny
  • Him - Workout Him
  • Ben Tennyson (Young) - Galactic Enforcer Ben 10
  • Scotsman - Highlander Scotsman
  • Hoss Delgado - Zombie Hoss
  • Toilenator - Detective Toiletnator
  • Aku - Creepy Aku

Assist Characters[]

  • Fred Fredburger (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  • Dee Dee (Dexter's Laboratory)
  • Madame Foster and Imaginary Friends (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  • Stickybeard (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  • Eduardo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  • Numbuh 2 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  • Peppermint Larry and Candy Wife (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
  • Valhallen (Dexter's Laboratory)
  • Cheese (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  • General Skarr (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  • Gazpacho (Chowder)
  • Dracula (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy)
  • Numbuh 4 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  • Fuzzy Lumpkins (The Powerpuff Girls)
  • Major Glory (Dexter's Laboratory)
  • Coco (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  • Vreedle Bros. (Ben 10: Alien Force)
  • Schnitzel (Chowder)
  • Panini (Chowder)
  • Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory)

3DS Only[]

  • Kevin (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
  • Johnny Bravo (Johnny Bravo)
  • Him (The Powerpuff Girls)
  • Aku (Samurai Jack)

Console Version Only[]

  • Madame Foster (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
  • Major Glory (Dexter's Labratory)
  • Valhallen (Dexter's Labratory)
  • Numbuh 4 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
  • General Skarr (Evil Con Carne)


These stages are battle stages for battle mode and related modes. Some stages are unlockable by playing story mode. Console only stages can be bought in the unlock shop.


  • Marzipan Streets
  • Mung's Kitchen (Fight Chowder)
  • Mt. Fundoom (Console Only) (Unlockable)

Ben 10[]

  • Bellwood Rooftops/Null Void (Multiplayer)
  • Primus (Multiplayer)


  • Stormalong Harbor\Boats
  • Bubbie's Mouth (Multiplayer)
  • Candied Island (Console Only) (Unlockable)

Kids Next Door[]

  • KND Sector V Treehouse
  • KND C.O.O.L.B.U.S. (Multiplayer)
  • KND Moon Base (Console only) (Unlockable)

Powerpuff Girls[]

  • Townsville Rooftops (Fight) (Multiplayer)
  • Mojo Jojo's Robot (Multiplayer)

Foster's Home[]

  • Foster's Main Hall (Multiplayer)
  • Foster's Home Rooms (Multiplayer) (Protect Cheese)
  • Best Friend Room (Bloo, Eduardo, Coco and Wilt's Room) (Console only) (Unlockable)

Dexter's Lab[]

  • Dexter's Laboratory Core (Multiplayer)
  • Laser Control (Aku) (Multiplayer)
  • Mandark's Laboratory (Console only) (Unlockable)

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy[]

  • Toadblatt's School of Sorcery (Fight Billy and Mandy) (Multiplayer)
  • Endsville Graveyard (Multiplayer)
  • Underworld (Fight Mojo and Father) (Multiplayer)

Samurai Jack[]

  • Samurai Dojo(Fight Jack) (Multiplayer)
  • Burned Village
  • Futuristic Highway (Multiplayer)

Final Boss[]

  • The TV Remote's Lair (Multiplayer) (Final Boss)


  • Training Room

Unused Content in the XL version[]

Playable Characters[]

In the game's internal files, there are unused voice clips of the announcer saying the names of Mandark (Dexter's Laboratory), Schnitzel (Chowder), and Remote Control (The TV Remote), meaning that the three of them were meant to be playable characters or have their name called in a situation at one point, but were ultimately stayed in the sidelines due to a rushed development cycle. Gwen Tennyson, Schnitzel, and Mandark all have unused playable character based files and are confirmed to be cut from the roster. Additionally dev confirmed cut characters include Fred FredBurger and Cheese, however these characters do not have character data in the final release and could have simply been planned. The only process of cracking these files has been the revealation of a potential idle animation for Gwen. When asked directly about Remote Control, his inclusion in the roster was not directly confirmed or denied, making his status questionable. Remote Control also does not exhibit playable character files in the final game.

In addition, there are unused character select icons of a 3D model of Mandark, Schnitzel, Captain Stickybeard, and Gwen. Most of these are 3DS leftovers as Stickybeard himself already has an icon in the game that's used for his boss battle. Wilt also has an unused character select icon that follows the typical character select format being an art render which remains a mystery to this day. Neither Wilt or Stickybeard have dev confirmation of being cut yet.


There is an unfinished tournament mode in the game that can be accessed through hacking. The characters seem random, but are the same in every instance the game is loaded. There are oddities such as the wrong player advancing through the bracket and no proper win screen but it otherwise remains playably functional.


There are a multitude of unused items that can be found within the game's files listed here.

Professor Utonium has an unused model.

There are various 3DS and debug leftovers within the game code such as menus and assists (Johnny Bravo, Kevin, Him, etc). Through extensive corrupting or hacking it is also possible to get the 3DS menu style to appear, though this will likely result in a crash.



Character icons[]

Cartridges/Game discs[]


Unused content[]

Playstation Trophies[]

Video Clips[]
