The Cartoon Network Wiki

Captain Sturdy: Back in Action was a short created by Bill Waldner, Darrel Van Citters, and Ashley Postlewaite and produced by Renegade Animation for the Cartoon Network. The short premiered on Cartoon Cartoon Fridays on June 8, 2001 as one of ten contenders for Cartoon Network's Big Pick 2, the winner of which would become the next Cartoon Cartoon. The short did not win The Big Pick, and was not picked up by Cartoon Network to become a full-length series. However, another Captain Sturdy pilot "Captain Sturdy: The Originals" was produced in 2003 and aired on Adult Swim.


The long-retired Captain Sturdy must return to action when the Union of Super Heroes cancels his pension. Upon returning to duty, he discovers that the organization has lost sight of what it means to be a superhero and has become more concerned with political correctness and marketing deals than saving the world from the evil Moid's clutches. Captain Sturdy, along with his trusty sidekick Ultra Boy (who just turned 51), responds by flinging his cape over his arthritic shoulders and rededicating himself to the battle for truth, justice and senior citizen discounts.


  • Captain Sturdy
  • Ultra Boy
  • Cerebro
  • Moid
  • Cyber Master
  • Sgt. Nitro


  • Earl Boen
  • Corey Burton - Captain Sturdy
  • Robert Cait
  • Larry Cedar
  • Michael Gough
  • Phil Lollar


  • Captain Sturdy was nominated for an Annie Award for Outstanding Individual Achievement for Writing in an Animated Television Production.