CNX (or sometimes known as Cartoon Network Extreme) was a short-lived channel operated by Turner Broadcasting System Europe in the UK and Ireland between 2002 and 2003. It was aimed at a male audience, with daytime programming aimed at older children and teenagers (predominantly 12–18 years of age), and evening programming aimed at older teenagers and young adults (the 17-34 demographic). The channel was carried in the 'Entertainment' section of the Sky program guide and was also available on cable. It was also brought to NTL but was eventually cut off.
- Batman Beyond
- Birds of Prey
- The Brak Show
- Chris Colorado
- Cowboy Bebop
- Dragon Ball
- Dragon Ball GT
- Dragon Ball Z
- Gundam Wing
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
- Jonny Quest: The Real Adventures
- Justice League
- Outlaw Star
- The Ripping Friends
- Samurai Jack
- The Shield
- Sports Illustrated: Swimsuit Edition
- Tenchi Muyo!
- Tenchi in Tokyo
- Tenchi Universe
- Todd McFarlane's Spawn
- Trailer Park
- X-Men: Evolution