Ben 10: Ultimate Alien is the third iteration of the Ben 10 franchise and the sequel of Ben 10: Alien Force(formerly called Ben 10: Hero Generation). It premiered on April 23, 2010. The art and story styles in this series is similar to Alien Force. The series follows on 16-year old Ben and Gwen along with 17-year old Kevin. The series premiered in the United Kingdom, Australia, Asia,Middle East and Latin America on 10/10/2010 at 10:00 A.M. on Cartoon Network. This is also the day a marathon of the episodes came on with a contest for the 10/10/10 event in America. This series is followed-up by another sequel series called Ben 10: Omniverse.
Ben's secret identity has been revealed to the world and he is now an international mega-star super hero, loved by kids all-over the world, but distrusted by many adults such as reporter Will Harangue. Armed with a mysterious, more powerful Omnitrix called the Ultimatrix, Ben will face being hunted by rogue alien threats, human mercenaries, and assassins hired by opposing adults. Ben will be in places he has never been before; such as the Forge of Creation. The main enemy of the first season is named Aggregor who is after the "Ultimate Prize". It went under the working title Ben 10: Evolution.
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien lasted for 3 seasons with a total of 52 episodes.
Video Games[]
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction
Ben 10: Galactic Racing
The opening shows almost every alien that Ben has turned into along with the Ben 10,000 aliens. The background also shows clips from both Alien Force and Ultimate Alien episodes along with unseen scenes. It was confirmed by Dwayne McDuffie that the intro would not be changed to add in new aliens.
Alien X has black hands instead of white.
Ripjaws' appearance is different from his appearance in the show.
Wildmutt's lips are black instead of orange.
Ultimate Big Chill does not have an Ultimatrix symbol.
Home media[]
DVD releases[]
Escape from Aggregor
Power Struggle
The Return of Heatblast
The Wild Truth
The Ultimate Ending
Digital releases[]
The series used to be available on iTunes but was removed for unknown reasons.
The series was available on HBO Max from May 2020 to May 2023.
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien (along with Alien Force and Omniverse) was released on the Cartoon Network app entirely for free on September 2023.
Dwayne McDuffie said in his blog that the seventh episode of the second season would introduce the second season story arc, but once again due to Cartoon Network airing issues the story arc was split into two seasons.
On iTunes the icons of the following volumes include the following aliens: Volume 1 - Ultimate Humungousaur, Volume 2 - Ultimate Big Chill, Volume 3 - Ultimate Spidermonkey, Volume 4 - Rath, Volume 5 - Echo Echo.
This was one of the last two Cartoon Network series' to premiere during the Noods era, the other being Generator Rex.
This was the final series to use the 2001 Cartoon Network Studios logo.
HBO Max cover
Volume 5 Apple TV cover
Horizontal HBO Max cover
On Demand cover
Ultimate Gold Echo Echo action figure
Ultimate Humongousaur action figure
Cosmic Destruction Wii cover
Cosmic Destruction Nintendo DS cover
Cosmic Destruction Playstation Portable cover
Cosmic Destruction PS2 cover
Volume 1: Escape from Agreggor DVD
Armodrillo action figure
Lodestar action figure
The Return of Heatblast DVD
Volume 6 DVD from Australia
Bumper Activity Book
Gold Rath action figure
Season 1 Volume 1 English and Hindi DVD
Season 1 Volume 2 English and Hindi DVD
Heatblast, Ultimate Swampfire, and regular Swampfire action figures pack
Ultimate Swampfire action figure
Ben to Ultimate Humungousaur and Humungousaur toys
Ben's icon from Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL
Kevin Levin's icon from Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL
Vilgax's icon from Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion XL