The Adventure Time Balloon-a-thon was an 8-hour Adventure Time marathon that aired on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2013 from 2:00pm to 10:00pm and again on November 27, 2014 from 9:00am to 2:00pm (5 hours).[1][2] The marathon aired to celebrate the first ever appeareance of the Adventure Time balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The marathon was primarily hosted by the Balloons, who were called "balloon experts". The marathon also features behind-the-scenes moments as well.
November 28, 2013[]
- 2:00pm - Thank You/Too Young
- 2:30pm - Sky Witch/I Renember You
- 3:00pm - Trouble in Lumpy Space/Jiggler
- 3:30pm - Rainy Day Daydream/What is Life?
- 4:00pm - Shh!/Up a Tree
- 4:30pm - My Two Favorite People/Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
- 5:00pm - Other Tarts/Guardians of Sunshine
- 5:30pm - Her Parents/To Cut A Woman's Hair
- 6:00pm - James/Slow Love
- 6:30pm - Belly of the Beast/Five Short Graybles
- 7:00pm - Jake Suit/Be More
- 7:30pm - Wizard Battle/Little Dude
- 8:00pm - Fionna and Cake/Bad Little Boy
- 8:30pm - Princess Potluck/Jake the Dad
- 9:00pm - Time Sandwich/We Fixed A Truck
- 9:30pm - Dungeon Train/Play Date
November 27, 2014[]
- 9:00am - Everything's Jake/Storytelling
- 9:30am - I Remember You/Betty
- 10:00am - Up a Tree/The Enchiridion!
- 10:30am - Belly of the Beat/The Limit
- 11:00am - Is That You?/Trouble in Lumpy Space
- 11:30am - The Other Tarts/Video Makers
- 12:00pm - Thank You/The Pods
- 12:30pm - What Was Missing/Dungeon
- 1:00pm - Jake the Brick/Rainy Day Daydream
- 1:30pm - Gut Grinder/His Hero