W poszukiwaniu Snipe'a (ang. The Great Snipe Hunt) – drugi epizod dwudziestego odcinka serialu animowanego Harcerz Lazlo, siódmego odcinka drugiego sezonu.
"Empty Nest" • "The Eternal Flame" • "Nudist Camp" • "Hiccups" • "Survival of the Lamest" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: Marooned Maroons" • "Tales from the Campfire" • "Mail Dominance" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: Outhouse on Haunted Hill" • "Laid Off Lumpus" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: My Brother’s Eater" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: Hair and Gone" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: Mi Casa, Eew Casa" • "A Chip and Skip Cartoon: The Amazing Race"